The benefits of the software.
- Fast Decission Making
Commander can get a correct and useful information to make the best decision in any time, in the Geolocation
and Visualization.
- Best Strateguc Analysis and Planning
Helpful to analyzes and plans to many mission, both regular works and special operations.
- Integrated and systematic Data Management
Great useful and best for long-term information and data management in systematic way.
- Secure Web Application Architecture
Flexible to access and use by any devices with great reliable security and account management system.
Software Specification
- Crime Geolocation Information System
- Secure Web Application Architecture
- Authentication & Account Management System
- Smart Search
- Date/Time Filter
- Secure Communication (TLS/SSL)
- Google Map Compatability
- Crime/Incident Management
- Camera Point Management
- Other Point of Interest Management
- Report and Statistic Summary
- KL Map Engine
- Display Options & Filters (Layers)
- Support Thai Language
- Thai area support (Provinces, District, sub-district, village)
- Secure and Hardening System